品名 ANVIS/FG 飛行頭盔 用途 適用於直昇機,各式超輕航飛機及滑翔傘飛行…
每頂頭盔標準基本規格為DuPont ZYTEL玻璃纖維外盔,附能調整鬆緊帶的防彈光學Class 4 “Neutral Gray"風鏡,亦可選擇Class 3 “Clear" Ballistic透明鏡片,頭盔內部加裝具備空氣循環9片式緩衝襯墊,單片式頭部軟質內襯墊,麥克風固定螺旋組,麥克風支架,75歐姆動圈式麥克風,19歐姆耳機,人體工學耳殼與U-174/U單插頭導線.可調尺寸的耳機懸吊系統,尼龍頸部安全束帶,與飛行頭盔袋.
每頂頭盔標準基本規格為DuPont ZYTEL玻璃纖維外盔,附能調整鬆緊帶的防彈光學Class 4 “Neutral Gray"風鏡,亦可選擇Class 3 “Clear" Ballistic透明鏡片,頭盔內部加裝具備空氣循環9片式緩衝襯墊,單片式頭部軟質內襯墊,CCD攝像鏡頭,麥克風固定螺旋組,麥克風支架,75歐姆動圈式麥克風,19歐姆耳機,人體工學耳殼與U-174/U單插頭導線.可調尺寸的耳機懸吊系統,尼龍頸部安全束帶,與飛行頭盔袋.
每頂頭盔標準基本規格為玻璃纖維環氧塑酯或DuPont ZYTEL玻璃纖維外盔,附能調整上下的單層防彈光學鏡片,鏡片軌道,鏡片防護蓋,氧氣面罩插銷座,頭盔內部加裝具備空氣循環9片式緩衝襯墊,單片式頭部軟質內襯墊,麥克風固定螺旋組,麥克風支架,75歐姆動圈式麥克風,19歐姆耳機與U-174/U單插頭導線.可調尺寸的耳機懸吊系統,十字形耳機鬆緊調節帶,尼龍頸部安全束帶,與飛行頭盔袋.
每頂頭盔標準基本規格為DuPont ZYTEL玻璃纖維外盔,附能調整上下的單層防彈光學鏡片,鏡片軌道,鏡片防護蓋,頭盔內部加裝具備空氣迴圈9片式緩衝襯墊,單片式頭部軟質內襯墊,麥克風固定螺旋組,麥克風支架,75歐姆動圈式麥克風,19歐姆耳機,人體工學耳殼與U-174/U單插頭導線.可調尺寸的耳機懸吊系統,尼龍頸部安全束帶,與飛行頭盔袋.
每頂頭盔標準基本規格為玻璃纖維環氧塑酯或DuPont ZYTEL玻璃纖維外盔,附能調整上下的單層防彈光學鏡片,鏡片軌道,鏡片防護蓋,氧氣面罩插銷座,頭盔內部加裝STYROFOAM緩衝內盔,單片式頭部軟質內襯墊,麥克風固定螺旋組,麥克風支架,75歐姆動圈式麥克風,19歐姆耳機與U-174/U單插頭導線.尼龍頸部安全束帶,與飛行頭盔袋.
General usage helmet is individually crafted in KEVLAR™ or FIBERGLASS material and Epoxy ersin for helmet shell , use in high performance type aircraft or general aircraft ,Ultra–lite aircraft etc, by both pilots and aircrew personnel . It provides a maximum of impact and penetration protection . A visor lens , installed within a polycarbonate protective housing , gives protection from glare , wind and dust .
General usage helmet is individually crafted in KEVLAR™ or FIBERGLASS material and Epoxy ersin for helmet shell , use in high performance type aircraft or general aircraft ,Ultra–lite aircraft etc, by both pilots and aircrew personnel . It provides a maximum of impact and penetration protection . A visor lens , installed within a polycarbonate protective housing , gives protection from glare , wind and dust .
General usage helmet is individually crafted in KEVLAR™ or FIBERGLASS
matiral and Epoxy ersin for helmet shell , use in high performance type aircraft or general aircraft ,Ultra–lite aircraft etc, by both pilots and aircrew personnel . It provides a maximum of impact and penetration protection . A visor lens , installed within a polycarbonate protective housing , gives protection from glare , wind and dust .
The M-101/AIC is a noise-canceling moving coil microphone element designed for use on a headband-type headset at low altitudes or in an oxygen mask or pressure helmet. The microphone is intended for use with AN/AIC-10 and AN/AIC-18 intercommunication sets to provide communications in noise conditions encountered in military aircraft. The unit meets certain requirements of MIL-STD-810 and MIL-STD-202 and weighs 16 g.
The M-87 dynamic microphone is a moving voice coil type microphone designed for use on a headband type headset. The microphone is intended to provide audio communications under high noise conditions found in military, civilian and general aviation aircraft.
It is designed and constructed from quality durable high strength PC plastic as well as corrosion resistant metals meeting or exceeding the environmental.
The FT-205DEM dynamic microphone with Amplifier is a noise canceling type . microphone designed for use on a headband type headset. It will not operate in ciruits that do not supply a DC bias voltage . It is designed and constructed from quality durable high strength PC plastic as well as corrosion resistant metals meeting or exceeding the environmental.